Tuesday, February 18, 2025 • 03:53 am
Fact Sheet...


Mission Statement: The mission of GROW - Golfers Recognizing Opportunities for Women, Inc. is to train and provide developmental opportunities for minority women and members of various affinity groups through a mutual interest in the game of golf.

Year founded: 2007
Year 501c3 established: 2010
Number of GROW members: 167 through July 2018
Purpose and Number of GROW Girl participants: 83 participants through July 2018
To help girls grow, introduce them to the game of golf, learn etiquette and honor through the game of golf, and to realize and pursue their dreams.
Purpose and number of Collegiate GROW participants: 101 participants through July 2018
To foster learning the game of golf in a setting for college students with like-minded individuals.
GROW Scholarship: 3 Recipients, Total Awarded $2500
To provide scholarships to deserving students to assist with furthering their education. Scholarships are awarded based on submission of an essay, demonstrated academics, and letters of recommendation.

Signature Event Fundraiser:
GROW hosts an annual Co-Ed Golf Scramble. It is required for every team to have a minimum of one female player.
2020 - 2024 COVID 19 Pandemic (operations temporarily paused)
2019 8 teams, 9 women (new in the Atlanta market)
2018 10 teams, 13 women
2017 11 teams, 12 women
2016 23 teams, 24 women
2015 27 teams, 31 women
2014 27 teams, 31 women
2013 22 teams, 25 women
2012 19 teams, 26 women
2011 23 teams, 30 women
2010 19 teams, 23 women

Board of Directors:
Judge Rachel L. Bell
Kathy Buggs
Stephon Fleming
Shantel Flowers
Councilman Walter Hunt
Gary Mays
Lee O. Molette, II
GROW President & Founder Tracy Pointer
Jeff Street
Tempest Utley